One of my love languages is time. And I can tell you who took the time to teach me just about every skill I cherish today. I know who taught me to sew, to crochet, to knit, to knead bread dough, to identify weeds, to mend socks, etc. Even though some of my teachers have left this world, I carry their skills within me still. (And think of them each time I use them!) So teaching my kids skills is an important way for me to show them I love them. Sewing is a skill we've been focusing on lately. Perfect for occupying my toddler and my preschooler at the same time and strengthening those little hands I love so much.

Fashioned from plastic lids & paper plates, they're thrifty to make and easy to bring with us on adventures. Thicker yarns & embroidery threads, as well as plastic needles, make them toddler-friendly. As preschoolers & older kids become more comfortable, you can challenge them with thinner threads and smaller needles. Isia wanted to try sewing with my glittery silver thread, shown below. I also discovered this is great preposition practice for preschoolers! For sewing the plastic lid hearts we worked on sewing "across" as well as "above" then "underneath." We sewed "around" the heart on the paper plates, trying to connect our stitches to the holes "beside" or "between" them.
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