Easy to Make with Kids: Simple & Beautiful Leaf Rubbing Plates
By freshlyplanted - 12:00 PM
And our leaf fun continues! Last year we enjoyed our leaf printing so much that I knew I wanted to do something similar again. Not only did these leaf plates produce wonderful results, but we'll be able to keep and enjoy them long past the fall.

These were so easy to make! We took freshly fallen leaves and mod-podged them onto little pieces of cardboard. Make sure you securely mod-podge them underneath to help keep them secure. I made sure all my mod-podge layers were thin and in the same direction so they wouldn't add their own texture.

We experimented with regular drawing paper versus tracing paper. I was surprised by how well the tracing paper rubbing did. I'd love to experiment with it more, maybe make some sun-catchers or layer it in some of our other artworks? As long as I can keep these rubbing plates out of destructive toddler hands, we should be able to enjoy them all winter!
Other Sticks & Leaves Inspiration:
Sewing Practice
Other Sticks & Leaves Inspiration:
Sewing Practice
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